What is the Tennis Slang Term for Winning 6-0?
A tennis match that ends with a score of 6-0 is called a Bagel.
Yes, that is correct, the slang term for a six to zero final score in a tennis match is called a bagel.
Why is a 6-0 tennis match called a bagel?
Because of the zero shape of a bagel.
Also, here is an interesting tidbit about a “Bagel” in tennis:
There have been over a dozen grand slam matches that resulted in a “Triple Bagel” in which all three matches ended in a 6-0 final score.
We hope you’ve enjoyed our little trivia here today. Remember – tennis slang for winning 6-0 is Bagel. Apparently, this was a question in the New York Times Crossword puzzle recently so we thought we would share this unique tidbit about tennis slang with you.
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